PC vs Humor: Lighten up folks… life’s too short as it is

Salon.com (hardly a bastion of right wing thought) recently posted about Seinfeld & other comedians condemning regimented PC “sensitivity“. It’s become so ingrained they avoid venues (like colleges) where it is more fashionable to hiss than laugh at jokes which fail to meet the ever growing “tolerance” rulebook.

blazingsaddlesThat incidentally is why movies like Blazing Saddles, which by any measure is dedicated to pointing and laughing AT narrow-minded bigots, not with them… couldn’t be made today.

That’s unfortunate, as it is probably the best movie in history at making bigotry and racism look totally stupid.

And for the record, it isn’t NEAR as funny watching it on PC-wary channels that bleep out non-PC words to avoid even the possibility someone might be offended.

monty-python-gay-drilling-260Similarly, the Monty Python show, which pushed a LOT of boundaries, had more gay jokes than virtually any show then or now… in skits performed by a largely gay cast. It’s called “having a sense of humor“.

Heck, Foxworthy makes a living telling redneck jokes, which I find hilarious. Not IN SPITE of the fact many hit me, but because of it.

[And no, I do NOT date my cousins. Anymore.]

So how DID the land of the free turn into the land afraid to giggle? I feel sorry for kids growing up with this nonsense. They’ll miss a lot of fun.

They’ll also miss worthwhile lessons about REAL tolerance… not the kind that demands you censor yourself and others.  If you consider censorship even mildly related to tolerance, you might want to look the word up. You’re using it wrong.

I'm Rob Jones... and I approve this message.
I’m Rob Jones… and I approve this message.

2 thoughts on “PC vs Humor: Lighten up folks… life’s too short as it is

    1. Could be a memory slip on my part. Glad to check. Either way it was an observation, not an indictment. Seriously doubt he was in the skits against his will… And some are classics. The “marching fairies” lyrics were outstanding. Thanks for the heads-up either way.


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