Chapel Hill Shootings

mirror of erisedCHAPEL HILL KILLINGS – The Mirror of Erised
The “fun” thing about social media is the way stories are often like that mirror in the Harry Potter movie… everyone sees in them whatever they want to see the most.

Such is the case with the recent triple murder in NC where 3 Muslims living under 1 roof were shot. Whatever your axe… here’s a chance to grind it.

The worldwide Islamic community has seized on it being an example of Christian terrorism. Odd, given the most popular subject on the killer’s FB page was his hatred of Christianity. They want to know why this is not being called “terrorism” when a non-Muslim kills people.

TIP: Don’t point out that people generally call the killings by Muslims “terrorism” when the killers self-identify by screaming “ALLAHU AKHBAR” while they lop someone’s head off.

Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims”. While executing neighbors might be terrifying and violent… getting pissed because they parked in your spot hardly seems “political“.

Others are bound and determined it be labeled a “hate crime”. That I’ve never really understood for 2 reasons:

–1– If a murder is NOT a “hate crime”… is it somehow more loving than those that are? Is the victim any less dead?

–2– The penalty for murder in NC, as in Texas, is the death penalty. If you decide a murder is a hate crime, what do you do to punish the guy more? Kill him twice?

Per his neighbors… the fellow that killed ’em seemed to hate ALL his neighbors equally without regard for color or creed. He’d called to get so many cars towed for violating the complex’s parking regs the local tow company banned him. Sounds like his percieved grievance was less about color than parking.

Kinda funny they try that route. The guy was a Rachel Maddow fan. He had pro-Obama stuff on his page. Anti- Bush/Cheney/Romney/Palin/et al. He was pro-LGBT. He liked Daily Kos. He was a died in the wool leftie. Pretty sure that was not the audience enthralled by the movie.

If you disagree with the left, they pretend disagreeing with them is so wrong it is actually a symptom of mental illness.Islamophobia is a silly made up word. News flash… a “phobia” is a consuming irrational fear of something. Disagreeing with a political or religious point does not mean someone fears it or is consumed by said disagreement. And no, disagreeing with you is not by definition “irrational“.

There is no evidence the killer hated Muslims and went next door to kill them for their faith. There is a ton of evidence he had an ongoing row with them about parking spaces. The simple answer is generally the right one.

Yep… that argument is out there, as the left always assumes every shooter to be what they term “RWNJ”. Never mind most shooter are left-wingers. A look at his FB page clearly makes him one of their peeps.

OMG. The guy had TWELVE guns at his home and a HUGE cache of ammunition!

Seriously. Here 12 firearms is called “a starter set”. And what cute lefties call a “large cache of ammo” is most likely what most of us call “Bill better go get some more or he won’t have enough for the next trip to the range”.

But Progressives are convinced if you own even one gun you’re evil and more than that suggests an intent to start a civil war. I want the tin-foil concession for that crowd. I’ve had well in excess of that number on many occasions and never so much as pointed them at a neighbor, much less overthrew a government. Maybe mine are defective.

But there was a shooting, so the anti-gun crowd is required by the terms of their contract to blame the shameless access to killing machines. Ignore the fact that in 1925 we could buy Thompson Submachine guns at Sears and didn’t have a big problem with them.

Craig_Stephen_Hicks_ml_150211_4x3_992—THE REALITY—
So far reports indicate Craig Hicks was the local parking Nazi. Residents around him had discussed the fact he was obnoxious to others and possibly dangerous. [Guess they were right.]

But no… it didn’t merit a statement by Obama, nor international furor… any more than a shooting that involves Mexicans warrants the Pope coming to find out why we’re killing his flock or suggests America plans to murder all Hispanics.

Yeah, 3 Muslims died, and they appear to be pretty much clean cut productive kids who will be missed by many. But no, they were not martrys to whatever cause you’re peddling. They just lived next door to a guy whose rubber band snapped.

I'm Rob Jones... and I approve this message.
I’m Rob Jones… and I approve this message.

3 thoughts on “Chapel Hill Shootings

  1. Interesting that only Islam is granted the ability to be a DSM IV category, when the Koran actually advocates Christianity-phobia, Jewish-phobia, female-phobia, and the ever popular homo-phobia.


  2. Interesting that only Islam is granted the ability to have a DSM IV category, especially when the Koran blatantly advocates Christianity-phobia, Jewish-phobia, women-phobia and the ever popular homo-phobia.


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