Mandatory Voting? Obama Proclaims Himself King of the Lazy

Before the election in November, Obama stated that even though HE was not on the ballot, every one of his programs WAS.

Then the election results went for the GOP in overwhelming numbers.

  • The GOP retained the House, gaining a historic lead.
  • They took the senate.
  • Governor’s races went overwhelmingly against democrats.
  • State legislature composition followed the same trend.

In Texas,  where Obama campaign veteran Jeremy Bird was dispatched to “Turn Texas Blue!”… Dems lost EVERY statewide election. Not most… ALL. And Wendy Davis, the reason the Dems thought they had a prayer, lost in historic fashion. Almost 2:1.

So after getting beat like a rented mule… Obama announced he “heard the voters”, but ALSO those who did NOT vote. [Huh?!]

forward off cliffApparently his crystal ball told him everyone who didnt take the time to get off the couch and vote really loved HIS agenda.

As I do not own a crystal ball myself, I can neither confirm nor deny his assumption, but there are reasons to believe that Obama fans include the physically and intellectually lazy.

In keeping with his contention he is the king of those too stupid to take part in the electoral process voluntarily, Obama is floating the proposition that voting be “mandatory”.


You know, cause nothing says “land of the free” like government telling you what to do.

Granted, given the result of the November election, he hasnt a snowball’s chance in hell of getting legislation to make America subject to the whims of our laziest constituents… But then the boy king does like to write presidential fiats to try to circumvent the legislature. If he tries this one he’d probably learn the meaning of “smackdown” from the Supreme Court.

Hard to believe even HE is that dumb.

Then again, every time I think he cant get lower, he grabs a shovel.

I'm Rob Jones... and I approve this message.
I’m Rob Jones… and I approve this message.

2 thoughts on “Mandatory Voting? Obama Proclaims Himself King of the Lazy

  1. But what about all those poor people who can’t find a way to get to the DMV to get a voter ID? If they can’t manage something like that, how are all those disadvantaged people going to make it to the polls?


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