Obama heard it on the news… [Collectors Addition]

As mentioned earlier…

President Obama has a long and colorful history of  I heard it on the news at the same time you did statements. For your viewing pleasure, some kind person recorded a compendium or these, including such popular hits as the IRS scandal, the VA scandal, Fast and Furious and more.

Be aware they appear to have missed some, but you get the idea. As the meme goes… At NO point was the Obama administration aware of what the Obama administration was up to. See for yourself:


Being somewhat geezerlike, I recall going through this with Nixon

His ONLY defense to prove he wasn’t a dishonest scoundrel was that he was clueless and his subordinates ran amuck like larcenous monkeys.

Given that Obama actually campaigned in ’07 and ’08 on FIXING VA Healthcare and mentioned the long wait times, the idea this was a huge surprise seems odd.

PRESS RELEASE – Obama Discusses Plan to Improve Veterans Care  — LINK

The press release includes the following:

“It’s not enough to lay a wreath on Memorial Day, or to make a speech on Veteran’s Day,” Obama said. “When a veteran is denied health care, we are all dishonored. When 400,000 veterans are stuck on a waiting list for claims, we need a new sense of urgency in this country. And when we’ve got young veterans of a misguided war in Iraq sleeping on the streets of our cities and towns, we need a change in Washington.”

Obama said that he will improve medical care for veterans and help eliminate bureaucratic backlogs that delay disability claims by making sure that every service-member has individual electronic medical and service records that immediately transfer to the (VA) system. Obama also said he will hire additional VA claims raters and set up programs to get homeless veterans off the streets.

Obama said that he will improve medical care for veterans and help eliminate bureaucratic backlogs that delay disability claims by making sure that every service-member has individual electronic medical and service records that immediately work with the (VA) system. Obama also said he will hire additional VA claims raters and convert all veterans’ benefits paperwork into electronic records to speed up applications. Finally, Obama said he will establish a zero tolerance policy for vets falling into homelessness.

“As President, I won’t stand for hundreds of thousands of veterans waiting for benefits. We’ll hire additional claims workers,” Obama said. “We’ll bring together veterans groups and the VA to work out a claims process that is fair and fast. And instead of shutting veterans out, we’ll make sure that our disabled vets receive the benefits they deserve, and we’ll allow all veterans back into the VA health care system. And we’ll have a simple policy when it comes to homeless veterans: zero tolerance. We’ll expand housing vouchers. We’ll set up a new supportive services program to prevent at-risk veterans and their families from sliding into homelessness. We’ll stand with veterans in their hour of need, just as they have stood up for us.”

Senator Obama is a member of the U.S. Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

So regardless of when he learned they were cooking the books…

…He campaigned on fixing the wait times, so the idea he was unaware of issues trips the BS meter. What happened to the “new sense of urgency” he mentioned? Does he need to lay off a round or two of golf and review the list of stuff he promised to do if elected president?

And before we drag in a do-nothing-congress explanation…

…Bear in mind he had a majority in BOTH houses his first two years. I swear… if Democrats had the only car on the racetrack they’d still say they need a tailwind.

I'm Rob Jones... and I approve this message.
I’m Rob Jones… and I approve this message.

2 thoughts on “Obama heard it on the news… [Collectors Addition]

  1. I increasingly find myself asking just what this Marxist weasel has to do to get the electorate’s collective craniums out of their anal passage. The most absurd excuses are accepted and any dissent is laid at the feet of racial hatred. As an American and a Marine Corps veteran I am filled with disgust and anger. To quote Twain, “…a man hardly knows whether to swear or to cry.”


  2. Pretty sure if he bludgeoned dogs to death on the lawn of the White House the media would print headlines about him taking positive steps toward kitten safety. Starting to think there’s really nothing they won’t excuse.


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