More Obama Executive Orders that Defy the Constitution

With attention focused on his incoherent mishandling of Syria…

President Obama decided to slip in two more executive orders that ignore the separation of powers (see Executive Orders 101 – A Primer) and in general piss on the 2nd amendment.

-1- The ban on importing US surplus military weapons sounds like a magnificent move to gun grabbers until they figure out most military weapons built in the US in the last half century are already illegal to own for most individuals. About the most recent weapon it applies to is the WW2 M1 Garand, a semi-auto functionally no different than a typical deer rifle.

obama burnOf course this will nip in the bud all those mass shootings where the killer was armed with a vintage M-1. [oh wait, that’s never happened.]

Once again the president ignores the separation of powers (he cant unilaterally make law), ignores the bill of rights… And builds a bridge where there is no river.


-2- The other executive order affecting transfers of weapons with corporate ownership will call a screaming halt to all those murderous rampages committed by people that got around background checks because of their status as officers of the corporation that purchased the weapon. [Oh yeah, that isnt happening either, see paragraph above.]

So neither executive order will stop a single killing in the US

…and both affect law abiding citizens, not the people who are a problem. The first of the two mentioned above WILL however kill the century old Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), a program that was administered by the US Army for most of its existence because when established, the government saw virtue in having a populace trained to defend itself. That was back when our government wasn’t afraid of its citizens.

If our congress continues to ignore these attacks on the constitution…

they have less balls than my little spotted cow dog, and she just had puppies.

I'm Rob Jones... and I approve this message.
I’m Rob Jones… and I approve this message.

2 thoughts on “More Obama Executive Orders that Defy the Constitution

  1. I grow more and more annoyed with our “Conservative” Senators and Representatives in Congress. This Marxist/Socialist shaved ape could not go about doing this kind of thing if they did not lay back and allow him to do so.

    I am mystified by their failure to take umbrage. Even if their ire was not raised by the fact that the president is raping the Constitution, they should at the very least be much annoyed by the fact that he is taking away THEIR power, and making them look weak and helpless in the bargain.

    It is my considered opinion that what we need is a wholesale house cleaning. White House and Congress. Maybe if some of these gutless boys and girls find themselves unemployed it will send a message.


  2. The failure of our Congress to abso-freakin-lutely raise hell about him trampling the separation of powers leaves me baffled as well. Beginning to think the only reason the bad guys abroad don’t do their own version of shock-and-awe on DC is that leaving it intact hastens our demise.


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